2017-18 Events* Subject to Change

Date Event
August 20 Petroleum Engineering Department Tour 12:00pm-1:00pm. RSVP to petro.dept@npe.tiemles.com by Noon on Saturday.
August 21 Classes begin.
August 25 NMT SPE General Meeting. 5:30pm. WORKMAN 101. ATCE and 49ers are big topics of discussion. The Roswell Section Board will be on a panel to answer any questions.
August 26-27 SPE Roswell Section Hosts the SWNA Student Leadership Symposium. Student members $10. Leadership topics, soft skills, team building activities, and guest speakers. Register online: http://connect.spe.org/roswell/events/.
Week of August 28 NMT SPE Career Week! Have your professional headshot taken, attend Linkedin 101-Why You Should Create a Profile; have professional looking business cards printed, get your resume critiqued in a clinic-style setting, and hear what some of our student interns did this summer on the Intern Panel.
August 28 NMT SPE Career Week: Intern Panel. WORKMAN 101. 5:00-6:30pm.
August 29 NMT SPE Career Week: Resume Clinic for Petroleum Engineers/SPE Members. Hosted by SPE Roswell Section. MSEC 395 (Computer Lab) 5:00-6:00pm.
August 30 NMT SPE Career Week: Professional Headshot Lounge. MSEC 3rd Floor. 4:00 and 5:00pm.
August 31 NMT SPE Career Week: Business Card Clinic. MSEC 395 (Computer Lab). 4:00 and 5:00pm.
September 1 NMT SPE Career Week: Linkedin 101. Hosted by SPE Roswell Section. WORKMAN 101. 3:30-4:30pm.
September 4 Holiday (Labor Day) NO CLASSES, NMT Offices Closed


CALENDAR EVENTS BELOW ARE NOT ACCURATE FOR 2017-18. Will have updated before the semester begins.

Date Event

September 9
Sign up for LRBC and Travel Form Signed. Limited Seats. Based on volunteer hours. Non-refundable deposit required includes: a polo, field trip to Keane Energy Group lab facility, field trip with OXY, and a visit to the newly renovated Petroleum Museum.
September 14 Deposit for LRBC Due
September TBD Chevron Info Session/Interviews. Watch your emails regarding time/day of info session
September TBD Fall Career Fair
Week of September 12 NMT SPE and AADE General Meeting. 7:00PM.
September 16 SPE Distinguished Lecture (Roswell) and Field Trip.
September 21-22 (+/-day) SPE Liquids-Rich Basin Conference, Midland, TX.
Week of October 3 NMT SPE and AADE General Meeting. 7:00PM.
October 6 SPE Distinguished Lecture (Roswell) and Field Trip.
October 12 Mandatory 49ers Volunteer Meeting.
October 13 49ers Sponsors Reception.
October 14 14th Annual 49ers Gold Rush Golf Scramble
October 14 NMT Petroleum Engineering Dept. 19th Hole Alumni Reception
October 22 SPE Roswell Technical Speaker/Distinguished Lecturer
November 1-3 Peer Review for Student Paper Contestants
Week of November 7 NMT SPE & AADE General Meeting-Guest Speaker
November 10 NMT SPE Canned Food Drive
November 11-12 SPE Community Service. The NMT Chapter and Roswell Section team up to fundraise for the Socorro Storehouse
November 17-19 Department Student Paper Contest
November 20 NMT SPE and AADE Last Fall Semester General Meeting with Guest Speaker
November 24-25 Holiday (Thanksgiving) NO CLASSES, NMT Offices Closed
November TBD Spring 2017 Pre-Registration
December 1 Department Senior Design Poster Presentations. 3:00-5:00pm. FIDEL BALLROOM A-B.
December 3-9 Finals
December 10 CONGRATS December Graduates!
December 23-January 3, 2017 NMT Offices CLOSED
January TBD Validation/Registration. NO CLASSES. NMT Offices Open
December 1 Department Senior Design Poster Presentations. 3:00-5:00pm. FIDEL BALLROOM A-B.
December 3-9 Finals
December 10 CONGRATS December Graduates!
December 23-January 3, 2017 NMT Offices CLOSED
January TBD Validation/Registration. NO CLASSES. NMT Offices Open
January TBD Spring Classes Begin
Week of January 23 SPE/AADE General Meeting with Guest Speaker
January 30- February 10 2016-17 Chapter Officer Nominations and Elections. Confidential voting via Doodle poll
February TBD Spring Career Fair
Week of February 6 SPE/AADE General Meeting with Guest Speaker
February TBD Roswell Section Hosts DFIT (Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test)/Minifrac Analysis Workshop. Several sessions. RSVP via Doodle.
February 15 SPE Distinguished Lecture. Socorro.
February 24-26 2017 Student Symposium. Hosted by: NMT, CSM and UT Austin Student Chapters. Details later.
March TBD Wild Well Control School (by invitation only)
March 13-18 Spring Break
Week of March 20 SPE/AADE General Meeting with Guest Speaker
March 30-April 1 SWNA Region Student Leadership Symposium (by invitation only)
April 6 SPE Distinguished Lecture in Roswell, NM Discount registration for SPE students. RSVP, travel form and payment due by March 29.
April 7 Tentative SPE Field Trip (TBD)
Week of April 10 SPE/AADE General Meeting with Guest Speaker
April 14 Holiday (Good Friday) NMT CLOSED
April TBD Pre-Registration for Summer 2017
April TBD Pre-Registration for Fall 2017
April 21 Department Senior Design Poster Presentations
April 21 Roswell Section Hosts 2017 Graduates/YP Reception. 4:15-4:45pm. Location TBD
April 21 Langdon B. Taylor Awards Banquet. 5:00pm. Best Western Convention Center
April 22 Dr. Chen Classic
May 7 Finals Begin
May 14 Commencement. CONGRATS SENIORS and graduating GRADS!
  Have a great summer. See everyone in the fall!